So you are preparing for birth, wondering what is necessary and what is extra…there’s so much info out there. It can be overwhelming! So I decided to make this a one stop shop and drop all of the most commonly used links to make it easy for you mama! And the best part is…it’s all easy on the eyes. If you are anything like me, neutral colors are a must so I’ve created this master list!
Peanut ball:
Birth Ball:
50ft filler hose:
AfterEase Tincture:
Gentle Birth Tincture:
Birth Pool Lights:
Birth Pool Water Filter:
Childbirth Homeopathy kit:
Ultimately, the best way to prepare for your natural birth is by finding a supportive team who views birth in the same way you do. Providers, doulas, family members or friends should believe in your body’s ablility to birth, and should be just as confident in your decisions. This is a list of things you can buy to have in your toolbox! Not having some of these items will definitely not ruin your birth. These items simply help set the mood and prepare you for the adventure!
Along with these items, here is another list of birth necessities that are not items but of definite use to help propel your positive birth experience even further!
—birth doula
—postpartum doula
—birth photographer
—chiropractic care
—cranial sacral therapists
—childbirth educators
—placenta encapsulators
—pregnancy support groups
—listening to positive birth stories
There are truly so many amazing resources out there now that help families everywhere achieve the birth of their dreams! Birth has so many variables and nothing is guaranteed, but preparing yourself for the journey is all we can do. Get educated mama!